Price Match Guarantee

Tepperman’s Guarantees You the Lowest Prices With Our Price Match Guarantee!

We want to make sure your shopping experience at Tepperman’s is worry free. If you find a lower price within 30 days of your Tepperman’s purchase, we will refund 100% of the price difference. Our Price Match Guarantee ensures you always get the best price for the products you want!

Here's How It Works

Verify that it is the identical product including model and manufacturer.

Visit your nearest store and present proof of the lower price of the published Canadian published retail ad or website, where the product and price can be verified.

If it is an identical product including model and manufacturer we will refund 100% of the price difference. You can buy with confidence knowing that you are receiving the best price and value on all Tepperman’s products.


  • Products must be sold within Tepperman’s normal delivery area
  • Cannot be combined with previous promotional offers
  • Products must be the identical product including model and manufacturer
  • Products must be in factory sealed packaging and be in stock at the competition
  • Products must be fully covered by the manufacturer’s warranty
  • Price must be in Canadian dollars and delivery must be identical
  • You must present proof of the lower price of the Canadian published retail ad or website, where the product and price can be verified
  • Price cannot be matched to ‘Going out of Business”, “Liquidation Sales”, “Special Offers or Bonuses” and “Limited Quantity or Limited Time offers”
  • Advertising errors, misprints, restricted or mail order offers, clearance, Internet exclusive offers and pricing, rebates, coupons, and related product services are excluded from the price match guarantee

+Price Match Guarantee - Products must be sold within Tepperman’s normal delivery area in Canadian dollars. Products must be in factory sealed packaging, be in stock at the competitor and covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Price cannot be matched to ‘Going out of Business”, “Liquidation Sales”,, “Special Offers or Bonuses” and “Limited Quantity or Limited Time offers”. Advertising errors, misprints, restricted or mail order offers, clearance, Internet exclusive offers, rebates, coupons, and related product services are excluded from the price match guarantee.